Thursday, April 19, 2012

My IGCSE exams start a week from now.

I'm so scared. I can imagine how hard the exams will be. I'm taking 4 early entry subjects which will come from Cambridge university in England. So the exam will be external, and it's extended.
I regret taking some subjects. Like physics - I'm not doing that though, Physics will be an internal exam ( from the school)
What I'm really scared about is the English, ICT, Biology and Chemistry. I'm taking all of those exams that have count up to 6 hours..I think each. If I fail, I'll have to do the exam again in November. Oh and It's extended ( harder than core)
I kind of regret taking English. I mean, I got a B in my mock exam, but I don't feel like I have strong vocabulary for first Language. 
Ugh, just help me.
I might not post that much during those 2 months. *pretends I have followers*

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